

Description 欢迎各位同学 这是你在这个学期的第一道算法题,意在让你熟悉OJ的操作、复习C语言和基本的数据结构 题目如下: 小明手中有 $n$ 张扑克牌从上到下堆叠, 其他人不知道它们的顺序。 小明进行了以下操作: 从牌顶拿出一张牌, 放到桌子上。 从牌顶再拿一张牌, 放在手上牌的底部。 重复 1 + 2 的操作, 直到小明...

rEFInd Boot Manager Installation and Custumization (macOS)

Installaion Download the binary zip file from the link, and upzip the file, store it in a USB. Restart you computer with holding Command + R and inter recovery mode. From t...

Change Microsoft Office language on macOS

We can do this by using terminal: defaults write com.microsoft.Excel AppleLanguages '("zh-CN")' defaults write com.microsoft.Word AppleLanguages '("zh-CN")' defaults write com.microsoft.Powerpoi...

ئالما كومپىيۇتىرغا ئۇيغۇرچە لۇغەت قاچىلاش

ئاۋۋال قاچىلىغاندىن كىيىنكى ئۈنۈمىنى كۆرۈپ باقايلى! بۇ ئەپنىڭ ئىچىدىكى ئۈنۈمى، بىز يەنە توربەتتە ياكى ئالما كومپىيۇتىرىنىڭ ھەرقانداق يېرىدە 3D بېسىش (يەنى سىلاش تاختىسىنى چىڭ باسىمىز) ئارقىلىق...

Archliunux setup auto login (with lightdm)

Create a group called autologin sudo groupadd -r autologin Add the user that you want to autologin to that group sudo gpasswd -a username autologin Replace the username with you username. a...

Dual Booting Windows and Arch Linux on MBR/BIOS

Keymap list keymap using: localectl list-keymaps and set key using loadkeys us internet WiFi-authenticate to the wireless network using iwctl time: timedatectl set-ntp true ...

Best PDF reader for macOS - Skim (free)

I use the macOS default PDF reader Preview before, and I got some issue with it recently. Search functionality is not good enough; Can’t remenber the last location correctly; So I lookin...

The Alchemist

The Alchemist Paulo Coelho CONTENTS Part One Part Two Epilogue PART ONE The boy’s name was Santiago. Dusk was falling as the boy arrived with his herd at an abandoned church. The roof h...

تېرە قەغەزنىڭ ئىككىنچىسى

دۇنيادىكى ئەڭ ئۇلۇغ مال ساتقۇچى تېرە قەغەزنىڭ ئىككىنچىسى مەن پۈتۈن ۋۇجۇدۇمدىكى مۇھەببەت بىلەن بۈگۈننى كۈتۈۋالىمەن. چۈنكى، بۇ بارلىق مۇۋەپپەقىيەتنىڭ ئەڭ چوڭ سىرى، زور كۈچ بىلەن ...

Cut and past file in macOS

I have been using macBook for almost 2 years now, and always have an issue when I cut a file and past it somewhere else, but in macOS I can only copy the file, not directly cut the file like Window...